WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Strategic Settlements An Camas Mor Proposals The Local Plan continues the proposal for a new community at Cambusmore (now named An Camas Mor), on the east side of the River Spey opposite Aviemore, that was identified in the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan 1997 and in the Highland Structure Plan 2001. The Local Plan identifies an indicative settlement boundary for the site, within which it is expected that development of a community of up to 1500 homes could be developed over time. The Local Plan identifies a need for the development of An Camas Mor to start within the lifetime of the Local Plan and sets a target of 100 homes to be completed within the next five years. Development of the site will require new and improved road infrastructure and will require a direct pedestrian link to Aviemore. The development of An Camas Mor will comply with the policies of the Local Plan. In addition to housing, the settlement will provide commercial and community uses.The CNPA will work with partners to produce a detailed masterplan for the site. Development of the An Camas Mor site has potential to have significant effects on the River Spey SAC. Permission for development will only be permitted if the planning authority is satisfied that proposals have been designed to avoid and minimise effects on the environment, mitigate any significant effects, and that the development would not adversely affect the integrity of the River Spey SAC. See flap on back cover for map legend MAP - An Camas Mor (Not available in full text format) Legend Cairngorms National Park Conservation Area Site of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Area Special Area of Conservation Ramsar Convention Site National Nature Reserve Gardens & Designed Landscapes National Scenic Areas Indicative Settlement Boundary Settlement Boundary Settlement Zone Type Community Economic Development Housing Protected Open Space Village Centre Proposed Core Path (under consultation) Existing Path Potential New Path Published by Cairngorms National Park Authority © CNPA 2007. All rights reserved. Printed on 100% virgin fibre from managed trees and totally chlorine free.